Monday, September 03, 2007

Experimental Film

My latest experimental film, 'Transmitter' .

It was shot, editied, and rendered exclusively on my Nokia 6110 phone. Working within the limitations of the medium was tricky, but I am pleased with the result.

Dolphins not so smart on land, new study suggests

From the Onion:

GAINESVILLE, FL—Although dolphins have long been celebrated for their high intelligence and for appearing to have a complex language, a team of researchers at the University of Florida reported Monday that these traits are markedly less evident on dry land.

Enlarge Image Study: Dolphins Not So Intelligent On Land

A dolphin performs poorly in a University of Florida land-based locomotion test.

According to study researchers, a group of 25 bottlenose dolphins removed from their holding tanks failed 11 exercises designed to test their basic cognitive abilities and reasoning skills.

"The dolphins were incapable of recognizing and repeating simple gestures," said study co-author Dr. Scott Lindell. "Their non-verbal communications were limited to a rapid constriction and expansion of the blowhole, various incomprehensible fin motions, and heavy tremors while they lay prone on the lab table."

After capturing the dolphins from the ocean, Lindell and his colleagues tagged them and placed them under the intense, high-wattage lights of a moisture-proof lab. The researchers then administered an extensive battery of tests designed to measure everything from the dolphins' self-awareness to their aptitude for writing and reading comprehension.

"Dolphins have a popular reputation for being excellent communicators," Lindell said. "But our study group offered only three types of response to every question we posed: a nonsensical, labored wheezing, an earsplitting barrage of unintelligible high-pitched shrieks, and in extreme cases, a shrill, distressed scream."

Even the dolphins' proven ability to navigate through a form of sonar called echolocation was ineffective on land.

"The military has claimed great success in training these mammals, utilizing their echolocation skills to detect mines that have been placed underwater," said Lindell, who conducted a similar experiment in a concrete parking lot. "We were unable to replicate this finding ourselves."

Lindell added: "In most cases, the dolphins succeeded in finding land mines only when we placed them directly on top of the mines."

In another test, several pounds of mackerel were placed on the ground, separated from the test dolphins by only 20 feet of concrete. The dolphins were unable to reach the food and feed themselves.

Despite their failures in the initial series of tests, the animals were given further opportunities to demonstrate their intelligence on land. The dolphins were unable to display novel behaviors, use a map to pinpoint their location on campus (spatial reasoning), or complete a simple obstacle course and wall climb.

"Their learning curve was actually negative," Lindell said. "The more time we gave them to complete basic land-based tests, the more pitiful their efforts became, with many of them opting to bask in the sun rather than perform a simple task."

"In some cases," Lindell added, "the dolphins appeared to be looking directly into our eyes, as if pleading with us to help them perform better in these tests."

Many scientists believe these findings may help to explain why dolphins, for all their vaunted intelligence, have never developed technology or agriculture, or harnessed the power of fire—skills still exclusively in the domain of Homo sapiens.

Said Lindell: "Their failure is a great disappointment to all of us who once felt an intelligence-based kinship with these majestic animals."

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Refugees from the anthill

I have just made the startling discovery that many people view themselves as integrally part of society, and not really separate from it at all.

Now, I realize that this will not be a shocking revelation for most, but I had simply never considered that most people do not view themselves as being inherently outside of society, a participant in instance only, not an inseparable member.

I had this epiphany watching ants, trying to imagine myself as one. An ant cannot survive as an individual, and ultimately neither can humans. So, as an ant, I would interact and participate in whatever ways met my needs, and allowed for my continued participation, but would also pursue my own, separate agenda. But I could not live in this way were it not for the other ants, dutifully following orders from the queen, so I realized that essentially that made my ant counterpart a symbiont at best, parasite at worst.

And so it is with me. I interact with society as meets my needs, and I contribute as I desire, but view myself as essentially separate - A refugee from the anthill.

I realize that this paradigm has its dangers -it is essentially sociopathic in nature. I think that if one were to study criminals, politicians, and leaders in business and industry, one would find a high occurrence of this or a similar worldview.

hmmm. food for thought.

If there are any other refugees from the anthill out there, I'd like to hear your views on the subject, so please comment.

Request for discourse

For those of you who have stumbled here.... I ask:

Can a state exist without a monopoly of coercive force?

Can a state exist within a state?

Can a state exist without any coercive force, other than social?

Please comment intelligently.