A political catchword of the 90’s, tolerance doctrine in its many forms has worked its way firmly in to our sociopolitical hive-mind. To the thinker, the doctrine of tolerance raises some interesting conundrums, not the least of which being that a tolerant society must by definition be intolerant of intolerance within itself. In application, the problem becomes more difficult when the doctrine of tolerance is not used exclusively within, but is also projected to external societies which may or may not have adopted a doctrine of tolerance themselves. Traditionally, this has not posed a significant problem since by segregation it was possible to effectively limit exposure to external intolerance by physical and political divides.Driven primarily by technological advances, it is becoming increasingly important to human survival to extend the doctrine of tolerance to external nations and societies. This is because of the very real threat of increasingly accessible massively entropic technologies, made possible by our ever greater understanding of the sciences.
We will soon learn to manipulate forces and technologies with constructive and destructive implications that make nuclear fission a quaint, comforting memory. It is quite likely that within the century mankind will have learned to easily manipulate the energy – matter – energy transition. Theories such as zero point energy and quantum mechanics hint at energies and interactions on scales orders of magnitude beyond that which we are familiar. Technologies that were elite and inaccessible fifty years ago are now mainstream. It has been a longstanding satire of mine that it is “only a matter of time before someone discovers that a glass of water resonating at the correct frequency, stirred four times clockwise, then exposed to the correct color of light will create a black hole that consumes the galaxy”. Never before in human history has this been closer to the truth. From basement biotech labs to isotope producing science fair projects, the commoditization of science with significant weaponization potential is well underway. Everyone in the first and second world economy has access to the knowledge of how to acquire knowledge. There is no way to put the genie back in the bottle, even if we wanted to.
It is unlikely that our humanity will catch up to our technology anytime soon. Progress has been made, but a direct numerical comparison of the number of human beings living in disparately inhumane conditions now and at any time in history will not yield encouraging results. A quick comparison of
Increasingly, it will be vital to human survival to reign in intolerant ideologies, destroying them if necessary for the greater good. If any of humanity is to enjoy their basic natural liberties and be free from the fear of indiscriminate annihilation, all societies must learn to tolerate one another, and to exercise their rights within the boundaries of “kindergarten rules”, that is:
- No biting or hitting (do no harm to others)
- No running in the hall (activities that could pose a significant danger to others must be conducted appropriately, or not at all)
- No spitting. (provocative or intimidating behavior must be curtailed)
Truly global and universal application of these basic tenants is imperative. Even a small isolated group of individuals can wield an ever growing arsenal of accessible entropic technologies as our collection of knowledge expands. Inherently intolerant or aggressive ideologies must be eradicated with extreme prejudice, as no vestigial organs of these societies can be allowed to carry forth to rejuvenate their cancerous ideals.
I would suggest that :
1. At the current evolutionary stage of human civilization, this can only be achieved through the absolute rule of law in the affairs of nations. Lawlessness on the part of states, principalities, or other sovereigns must be brought to heel. Global anarchy as we now enjoy will no longer be a survivable option.
2. A constitutional Global Sovereign with a monopoly of coercive force must evolve, and current sovereigns must consent to statehood, as citizen-states governed by the Constitution and the Sovereign of their own consent and election.
Damn. I hope that none of this crap happens. NWO, suck my balls. And if you aren't just like me, then my culture can kick your culture's ass. Chodamuncher.
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